Legislation regulating maintenance:
Fire Safety Act.
Regulation of the Minister of the Interior no. 17.
EVS 812 part 5: 2014
EVS 812 Part 7: 2018
EVS 812 Part 8: 2018
EVS 919: 2013
EVS 1838. 2013
EVS 50172: 2005
EVS EN 50849: 2017
EVS EN 12845; 2015 + A1; 2020
EN 54-14: 2019
EVS EN 62305 part 3: 2011
Regulation of the Minister of the Interior no. 1.
EVS EN 15004.
Regulation of the Minister of the Interior no. 39.
EVS-EN 671-3: 2009
§ 31. Obligations of the owner of a fire safety installation
The owner of a fire safety installation must:
1) ensure the maintenance and uninterrupted operation of the fire safety installation;
2) in prescribed cases, organize the inspection, inspection and maintenance of fire safety installations;
3) have documentation on the fire safety installation and its inspection and maintenance.
SM Regulation 17 § 28. Fire safety installation
The fire safety installation must be installed in the building and inspected and maintained in accordance with the Fire Safety Act.
Fire alarm system
Autonomous fire alarm sensor
The sensor is maintained by the user.
Autonomous fire alarm system
Not regulated. (The installer must be qualified as a Security Technician 4).
Automatic fire alarm system
The user of the system performs daily observation and control.
By a competent person / company once a quarter and once a year.
Automatic fire extinguishing system
Sprinkler, water mist, deluge (open sprinklers or drenchers) and foam extinguishing systems.
Weekly. User inspection and control activities
Weekly inspection and maintenance by the owner.
Service, testing and maintenance plan
Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual, three-year and 10-year.
Performed by a competent person who must have an appropriate registration in the Economic and Activity Register (MTR).
Once every 25 years.
Automatic gas extinguishing system
User review program. Performed once a week and once a month by the user.
Once a quarter, once every six months and once a year
Performed by a competent person who must have an appropriate registration in the Economic and Activity Register (MTR).
Smoke removal systems
The user of the system performs daily observation and control.
By a competent person / company once a quarter and once a year.
Emergency lighting
Daily inspection is performed by the user.
The competent person performs maintenance once a month and once a year.
Fire hose system
If fire pumps are available, maintenance of pumping equipment is performed once a month.
Ensuring the maintenance of the hose system is the responsibility of the owner of the object. The maintenance of the hose system is ensured by their regular inspection, inspection and maintenance. The results of the inspection and maintenance shall be recorded in a form that can be reproduced in writing.
The owner reviews the condition of the hose system once a quarter.
The inspection shall include steps to ensure that the hose system is ready for use, visible, has an instruction manual, is not obstructed and is free from visible defects, corrosion and leaks. In case of deficiencies revealed during the inspection, measures shall be taken to eliminate the deficiencies.
Hose system inspection, maintenance and data storage
The inspection and maintenance of the hose system shall be guided by the requirements of the standard series EVS-EN 671 and the manufacturer's instructions for the parts belonging to the hose system.
The efficiency of the hose system and its water supply capacity shall be checked if the results of the inspection so require, but not less than once a year.
The person inspecting and maintaining the hose system shall keep records of inspection and maintenance activities for at least five years after the inspection and maintenance.
The hoses must be pressurized every 5 years.